Hypertensive Eye Damage: How High Blood Pressure Can Damage Vision

January 06, 2024 By Andrew Alpin In Disease
High blood pressure, or hypertension, poses a significant threat to your vision. Individuals with uncontrolled hypertension are at a higher risk of developing eye conditions that can impair eyesight. By managing blood pressure, you reduce the likelihood of Hypertensive eye damage and prevent heart d...

Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Causes, Signs, Symptoms and Treatment

December 27, 2023 By Andrew Alpin In Disease
www.ensocure.com-multiple sclerosis
Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that attacks your central nervous system, damging nerves leading to symptoms like fatigue, difficulty in walking, and speech difficulties. Currently, there is no cure for this condition, but there are various treatments to help manage its symptoms. What Ha...

Psoriasis, Symptoms, Causes, Triggers, and Treatment

December 05, 2023 By Andrew Alpin In Disease
Psoriasis is a chronic skin autoimmune skin condition though not fatal can be extremely irritating and traumatic. Although the disease is of a non-contagious nature, it can remain affecting a patient in cycles where there may be signs of remission only to resurface after a few weeks. The condition r...

Understanding Osteoporosis, Signs, Symptoms, Causes and Management

December 03, 2023 By Andrew Alpin In Disease
Osteoporosis, often referred to as the “silent disease,” is a condition characterized by weakened bones that are more prone to fractures and breaks. Despite its prevalence and potential severity, many individuals may not be aware of its presence until a fracture occurs. Your bones are li...

10 Possible Reasons for Tingling, or Pins and Needles in Your Feet

November 28, 2023 By Andrew Alpin In Disease
Tingling or pins and needles in the feet can be an uncomfortable sensation that can range from mildly irritating too quite painful. While occasional tingling in the feet is generally not a cause for concern, persistent tingling can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition. Here are ten possib...