Medical Tourism in South India

July 08, 2024 By Dr. Vinay Bhardwaj In Health & Wellness, Hospitality, Recovery & Support
Discover the benefits of medical tourism in South India, where high-quality healthcare services meet affordability. This comprehensive guide covers the processes involved, from initial consultation to post-operative care, and highlights popular treatments such as cardiac surgery, orthopedic procedur...

Calcium Oxalate Stones: How to Prevent Them

February 26, 2024 By Andrew Alpin In Recovery & Support stones
Calcium oxalate stones are a common type of kidney stone that form when there’s an excess of calcium and oxalate in your body. Factors like dehydration, high protein, salt, or sugar intake, and obesity can increase your risk of developing these stones. But there are ways to reduce your chances, su...

The Benefits of Good Weight Loss Treatment in Bengaluru

January 19, 2024 By Andrew Alpin In Recovery & Support loss treatment clinic in bengaluru
Achieving a healthy weight is not an unattainable goal, but most people are unsure where to start. If you’re living in Bengaluru and looking to lose weight, then guidance from good weight loss treatment in Bengaluru can certainly help. A good weight management program can assist both men and women...