Understanding Sex & Reproductive Hormones

July 08, 2024 By Dr. Vinay Bhardwaj In Diagnostics, Disease, Fitness
Discover the essential roles of sex hormones in maintaining health and well-being. This comprehensive guide explores how hormones like estradiol, testosterone, and others influence various bodily functions, impact aging, and contribute to conditions such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular health, and m...

The Best Fat Burning Workouts for Women

March 03, 2024 By Andrew Alpin In Fitness
www.ensocure.com-fat burning workouts for women
If your weight management routine is not paying off and you aren’t losing weight, then most probably you aren’t adopting the right approach. Try these fat burning workouts for women that will help you shed some kilos and build muscle faster. Fat is always a bigger issue concerning women simply b...

12 Best Ways How to Lose Weight After 50

February 22, 2024 By Andrew Alpin In Fitness
www.ensocure.com-lose weight after 50
You’ve reached fifty, but hey, there is no need to think old! You’ve just reached the prime of your life and you can look fit and fabulous at 50 just like you did when you were 40. There is no reason to think you cannot lose weight at 50 despite of the extra kilos you’ve […]...

18 Potential Reasons Why You’re Finding it Hard to Lose Weight

February 15, 2024 By Andrew Alpin In Fitness
If you’re eating well and exercising but not losing weight, it could be that your body might be resisting your efforts. Sometimes, you might lose weight quickly at first, but then it slows down or stops. However, there could also be other reasons you face such weight loss challenges. Your body nat...