Understanding Sex & Reproductive Hormones

July 08, 2024 By Dr. Vinay Bhardwaj In Diagnostics, Disease, Fitness
Discover the essential roles of sex hormones in maintaining health and well-being. This comprehensive guide explores how hormones like estradiol, testosterone, and others influence various bodily functions, impact aging, and contribute to conditions such as osteoporosis, cardiovascular health, and m...

Understanding Iron Levels: A Guide to Self-Assessment

July 03, 2024 By Dr. Vinay Bhardwaj In Diagnostics
Understanding your blood test results is crucial for managing your health. This guide breaks down key iron-related biomarkers, such as total iron, ferritin, TIBC, and transferrin saturation, to help you recognize signs of iron deficiency and overload. Learn how to interpret these markers and take pr...

CBC Self Help

July 03, 2024 By Dr. Vinay Bhardwaj In Diagnostics
Discover how to interpret your blood work with our easy-to-understand guide on red blood cells and oxygenation. Learn about key biomarkers like hemoglobin, hematocrit, and mean corpuscular volume, and find out how they can help you monitor and maintain your RBC health for optimal oxygen transport an...

Understanding Essential Vitamins: A Guide for Everyday Health

July 03, 2024 By Dr. Vinay Bhardwaj In Diagnostics
Vitamins are vital for maintaining overall health, playing key roles in everything from supporting the immune system to ensuring proper nerve function. This comprehensive guide breaks down the essentials of Vitamin D, B12, A, and C, explaining their functions, sources, and the impacts of deficiencie...

Understanding Blood Sugar and Energy Regulation: A Practical Guide

June 28, 2024 By Dr. Vinay Bhardwaj In Diagnostics
Understanding blood sugar regulation is essential for maintaining energy levels and overall health. This guide explores how glucose, insulin, and glucagon work together to balance your body’s energy supply. Discover practical tips for managing blood sugar through diet, exercise, and lifestyle chan...