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CBC Self Help

Discover how to interpret your blood work with our easy-to-understand guide on red blood cells and oxygenation. Learn about key biomarkers like hemoglobin, hematocrit, and mean corpuscular volume, and find out how they can help you monitor and maintain your RBC health for optimal oxygen transport and overall well-being....
Elderly Care

Geriatric planning and care for Child Free couples

“Planning for the future is crucial, especially for child-free couples navigating their senior years. This post explores essential tips for geriatric planning and care, including financial planning, healthcare provisions, building a support network, and legal preparations, ensuring a secure and fulfilling future.”...
Health & Wellness

10 Best Places to Get Sun in Bangalore

Sunlight plays a major role in contributing to the production of vitamin D. Besides its own health benefits, Vitamin D helps our bodies absorb calcium to maintain bone health. Called the sunshine vitamin, it is hard for the body to produce vitamin D from sources other than sunlight, which is why people living in places […]...

Why Logistical Assistance is So Important for Medical Tourism in India

When it comes to medial tourism in India, the country  is now one of the best destinations in Asia for healthcare tourism. But what gives it an edge over Asian countries providing the same? In developing countries, healthcare and surgery are expensive. This is why medical patients worldwide consider other countries for affordable healthcare. For […]...

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Understanding Myalgic Encephalomyelitis /CFS, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME/CFS), is a complex, long-term illness affecting several bodily functions. It is a serious medical condition characterized by persistent and unexplained fatigue that does not improve with rest. It is more than just feeling tired after physical or mental exertion; the fatigue experienced by individuals with […]...
Recovery & Support

9 Ways to Increase Stem Cells Naturally

Have you ever wondered about the magic behind your body’s ability to heal and renew itself? The secret lies in your stem cells, the superheroes of human body regeneration. These are the basic building blocks of life, capable of morphing into any tissue – be it heart, muscle, cartilage, bone, or even liver. Picture a […]...
Medicine & Treatments

The Benefits of IV Therapy in Bangalore

IV therapy in Bangalore is now emerging as a new wellness trend, taking center stage among fast treatment solutions to revitalize health, boost energy, improve skin, cure hangovers, and enhance overall well-being. Bangalore is a city where technology and modernity have blended well in recent years, making it a bustling hub of business. However, in […]...