What Are Migraines and How to Find the Best Migraine Treatment in Bangalore

Are you looking for effective migraine treatment in Bangalore but can’t find someone to help you? Well, look no further because we at Enso Integrated Medicine specialize in how to help you manage this traumatic condition, but first, you need to understand more of what’s going on in your head.

What Are Migraines

Migraines are usually one-sided intense periodic headaches characterized by pulsating pain or throbbing. It can be quite traumatic if you frequently experience migraines, especially those lasting several hours. Yes, migraines vary in intensity and duration, lasting from a few hours to several days. Migraines are a neurological condition that can often create havoc in your life, especially when it comes on at the wrong times. In some cases, those having a migraine could even experience sensitivity to sound and light. The most common types of migraine are the classic migraine with an aura and the common migraine without an aura. Other uncommon types of migraine include basilar, Ophthalmic Migraine, Ophthalmoplegic Migraine, Retinal Migraine, and Status Migraine.

Migraine Without Aura or Common Migraine

There are two types of migraine, one with aura and one without. A migraine without aura is a common migraine which is usually one-sided but can appear in the front of your head or on both sides. Sometimes, you might find it starting on one side and spreading all over your head. The pain intensity from a common migraine can range from moderate to severe and is characterized by a throbbing and pulsating feeling. It usually worsens, peaks between 2 to 12 hours, and gradually lessens afterwards. However, common migraines can last from anything between 4 to 72 hours.

Symptoms Of Common Migraine

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Light and sound sensitivity
  • Neck stiffness
  • Increased urination
  • Mood changes from euphoria to depression

Migraine With Aura or Classic Migraine

A migraine with aura, often known as a classic migraine, is a chronic headache that develops after warning signals which appear as sensory disturbances. These disturbances, called aura, can include flashes of light, blind patches, other vision alterations, and tingling in your hand or face. In most cases, migraine aura symptoms start gradually and last between 20 and 60 minutes. The actual migraine part’s duration and intensity are the same as a common migraine.

Symptoms of Classic Migraine

  • An aura—visual disturbances like flashes or spots of light
  • Tingling in hands and face
  • Numbness starting in hands
  • Foggy vision
  • Blind patches
  • Light flashes
  • Dizziness
  • Other possible symptoms
  • Incoherent speech
  • Tinnitus
  • Lethargy
  • fatigue

What Causes Migraines?

Well, good question! Migraines are thought to be caused by a combination of hereditary and environmental factors impacting the blood vessels in the brain and their communication with the trigeminal nerve, a significant pain route. It is also believed that changes in serotonin levels in the brain also contribute to the onset of migraines.

What Triggers a Migraine?

  • Alcohol
  • Weather changes
  • Lack of sleep
  • Schedule changes
  • Dehydration
  • Hunger
  • Certain foods
  • Strong smells
  • Teeth grinding at night
  • Menstruation

Migraine Diagnosis

Despite their severe symptoms, migraines seldom have an underlying cause that can be detected through testing, including brain MRIs. Even in severe cases, many doctors do not advise brain imaging if the patient’s symptoms are migraine-typical and a comprehensive neurological assessment returns normal. There are no specific migraine tests for most patients simply because the ailment cannot be determined with a scan or blood test. However, if you should suddenly start experiencing headaches, you should see a doctor, especially when:

  • You experience an abrupt, severe headache like a thunderclap
  • Headache, which could be signs of stroke characterized by: fever, stiff neck, confusion, seizures, double vision, numbness, or weakness in any part of the body, which could be a sign of stroke.
  • Headache after a head injury.
  • A chronic headache which worsens after coughing, exertion, straining or a sudden movement.
  • New headache pain after age 50.

How To Manage Your Migraine in Bangalore

We at Enso Integrated Medicine know how challenging it can be to live with migraines. Migraine treatment often involves lifestyle changes, identifying and avoiding triggers (such as certain foods, stress, or lack of sleep), medications, and relaxation techniques. If you’re looking for friendly and caring migraine treatment in Bangalore, pay Ensocure Integrated Medicine’s migraine clinic in Bangalore a visit, where a migraine treatment plan will be worked out for you. At Ensocure, migraine care involves the following:

  • Consultation with a neurologist
  • Series of tests to rule out underlying causes
  • The patient is given a migraine journal to determine the migraines’ pattern, duration, intensity, and triggers. This helps in assessment and insight for formulating better management.
  • Weekly checkups by the neuro team for journal assessment and monthly migraine management plan
  • App support and telehealth support through chats and calls with neuro and nurses.
  • Infusion therapy for migraines

Don’t hesitate! If you find yourself experiencing frequent headaches, call and reach out to Enso Integrated Medicine for medical advice, accurate diagnosis, and the best migraine treatment in Bangalore.